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Anime RP Off to the Races (lord)

Local Time:
11:00 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Watching the door seal behind the servant as they departed, her eyes remained trained on Bel as he explained that Mako had caused some problems he would handle later. Beauty hums with a nod. "Okay...has she done this before?" She is curious to learn more about her enemy. The twins happily ate their fill, with both their parents and mama seemed content in their presence now.
Local Time:
11:00 PM
Nov 19, 2022
"yes, but it had been some time, the last time, her punishment was bound to the stalls, and used as the stud's play thing for a week straight. "
as he told this to Beauty, revealing a more devilish side to her master, and lover. However it also showed that he would do horrible things to put mako in her place.
unlike Sally or more importantly herself. which seemed like She had Bel wrapped around her pinky, which was more likely the other ways around, but her pride and ego would not allow the filly to think that she was his, instead of the other way around where he was hers.
Local Time:
11:00 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Looking between the twins and Bel, his answer was not reassuring that Mako had done something like this before; luckily, she was barren, so the punishment had no true consequence other than being used by others and sore for quite some time. With a deep breath, she looks toward the door and down at the baby in her arms. "Why keep her around when she is just trouble?" questioned him quietly. She understood that Bel had rescued Mako from others and herself; he had tamed her to lose himself with her and not worry about truly hurting her.

Mako was knocked out cold, curled up on some simple bedding, stripped of all clothing, and the room pitch black. She had some water set aside and no food until Bel instructed the staff to do so. Both Sally and the staff had been through this before. They followed Bel's lead, for, at the end of the day, Mako was just a wild mare who only listened to her master.
Local Time:
11:00 PM
Nov 19, 2022
"long ago, before mako, sally, or yourself. I had a mare, one which I grew up with, and we had a unique relationship. One which was allowed due to having her as my Graduation gift. by her owner, and my father, however it was my first time with this young lady where I discovered something about myself. I lost myself, and well it ended badly. If not for Mako, I could have ended up in so many horrible situations, nor would have ever gained proper control of myself. "

as he spoke softly and seriously to Beauty, she would discover this was something that was both serious and very hard for her master. something which most likely was only shared with her, if at most sally prior to her, however the fact remained. this would be a glimpse of a weakness which her master had taken the time and required actions to make into a strength. as he moved to suddenly touch Beauty with his one hand in a gentle, soothing, and relaxing manor, before he continued to speak.

"She is uniquely durable, and with a powerful healing ability, which most likely is part of the reason for her being barren. However with her, I tend to cause great deal of damage, and other cruel acts, which I can not allow others to endure. nor would I allow them to be forced to endure. Think of her as a walking, talking stress ball, to help your lord, and husband keep from becoming a real monster like most lewd humans. " as he said this with a wink, and a bit of playful tone at the end. However as he painted a strange picture in her mind. one of Mako bound, gagged, and being abused, in a kinky yet terrifying manor, even if what she endured was harder then that. Yet Beauty could see it right here before her, even if her mind wanted to deny it, her heart could not any more, as this man seemed to make her feel safe, even when he was an obvious danger if he kept a wild mare to sate his darker urges. Yet if she was this troublesome, perhaps once Beauty was healed up enough and had enough time and patients, she could use Mako's own actions to begin the slow process of getting Bel to remove mako from his collection so to speak.

It would not be long before Mako would begin to come to, in the damp room. however as she would come to like this, some time would pass, her head feeling more like a hang over, however the sound of hooves moving tours her. as two younger and very sturdy studs were heading to the pen she was kept in. as the servants had given the orders from bel to the others, However even when she was under punishment like this, Mako had some young studs on the grounds which abused her every chance they had, and in return, she was like a lewd goddess to them, so one could see this as her getting all kinds of goods, drugs etc in secret when she should be punished, as long as these horny simps were careful, which only one of them had ever been caught in the past, and by sally. which once the info was shared with Bel, the young stud which was originally one of the first Mako enjoyed bossing around was gone, and never seen or heard from again.
Local Time:
11:00 PM
Nov 18, 2022
His explanation did paint the truth in her eyes, that Mako was to state his mad side to protect herself and Sally including the babes but the idea of that woman being about was unsettling. She looks to where he gently laid his hand upon her, smiling a little toward his touch "Understand, does not mean I can trust her but I can see why she must be around, for my safety" she murmurs. The twins would coo and wiggle a little as they seemed to settle into a state of a nap, sleep was all they desired for the next while other than cuddles and food. "I guess what I truly want to know is, do you love her?" she asks of him.

Mako would grumble and groan as she came to, it took a few slow blinks for her eyes to open in the dark room that she recognized all too well, better make the best of the situation. She slowly sat up, rubbing her eyes as she sensed the approach of other forms "Where is master?" she murmurs not in the mood to deal with anyone else but him just yet.
Local Time:
11:00 PM
Nov 19, 2022
" I will not lie, I do love her, but it is a different kind of love. I guess one would say I love her like an irreplaceable pet then a true lover. where I find the draw to you and sally the same, as painful as this might sound. You were a true prize I never planned on for myself, but I fell for you at first sight. not just your body but the strong will, and those unbreakable, yet alluring eyes. "

as he said this, bringing his and along her chin. the wicked man did not lie to his mares, however he did not deny his feelings for any of the trio, however this would paint a picture for beauty which would never be broken. she would have only one true kind of competition for Bel's true kindness, and care, which was sally. Yet Mako was a treasured girl to him as well, but of less importance in the bigger picture then Sally or beauty. this was even known to Mako, as the perverted Mare knew her master loved her in a unique way, as it was stated as a irreplaceable pet kind of love. which for her perverted, and broken mind, made Mako believe she was the most important girl to her master. which how often he chose to abuse and care for her. more importantly how he cared for her when she was injured or sick directly. even more so then sally in the past.

now the wild mare was in the den, as two strong young studs soon entered the chamber with her. both looking to each other then to her with lewd yet playful smirks.
they would not speak, but move tours her, with chains, and cuffs aimed to bind mako's limbs to get her trapped in position. as she was meant to be punished, however these two, if they got her bound, would then proceed to enjoy her, even if she was not in the mood. they would give her drug injections, and other things which would get her into even more trouble, even if it was only to make sure she enjoyed and forgot why she was being punished, if she wanted to forget or not.
Local Time:
11:00 PM
Nov 18, 2022
His honesty did hurt but how he ended his answer did make her blush, feel special even. He saw her eyes as alluring and more than her body caught his attention. Already Beauty knew she was not planned based off Mako and Sallys reaction. “Thank you, Bel” she murmurs with a small smile, at tue end of the day she is protected by him as are her foals.

Mako flattens back her ears as she held up her hands “Not Master, only want him or give me drugs” she demands. In the past she either is horny or aggressive. Best to please her either way,
Local Time:
11:00 PM
Nov 19, 2022
as the two looked to one another, before moving to present Mako with a special pouch of her drugs. as it would look and feel like the usual stuff to put her in a more fun, and sensually pleasing mood. However unknown to Mako, this drug was modified thanks to Sally's prior attempt to get rid of it in the past. This time it would end up making Mako all the more vulnerable physically, while her mind would not have the lustful and heated bliss it was able to enjoy when high. instead her body would become weak, overly sensitive, and far worse, she would be clear minded enough to hate what would happen to her next with these studs. as it was, Mako would know her actual master wanted to punish her, but this would not be the kind of punishment he would do to her, even at her worse, thus another stud which was scarred, and scorn by Mako in the past would have to be the master mind. one trying to steal and break her from the shadows, unaware of how broken and loyal she was to her one master.

with things seemingly having to calm down a bit. Bel would move to pull beauty, into his tight and gentle embrace, stroking her head, and kissing her gently.
"I am sorry if I hurt you at all, but I will not lie to you or ether of my other girls, but I will say one thing truly special for you alone my lover. You are to be my right hand woman out side of business, not a simple breeder, but my lover, and passionate partner. our children will be in for a difficult future, but we will ensure they have a bright and safe future together. "

as he said this to her, even making sure she knew how important she was to him, however this would leave the question about sally's growing little foul, a baby which was not born yet, as hers was taking a much longer amount of time to develop then Beauty's own twins. however the fact remained, he admitted the truth as painful as it was for her, it would paint a much clearer picture which could not be mistaken by any means.
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