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Fantasy RP The Dragon’s Kingdom (Lux)

Local Time:
2:33 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Astraea was being healed by the mage at the moment when she watched Adonis walk in. In his half draconic form, along with a few others like him. She was very curious, and as a man with red hair approached her, kneeling by her bedside. “My beloved sister..” she heard him begin.

It wasn’t until all was explained by him, that she started to understand. Lionel, who was nearby caught all of this information too. “So.. I raised..a dragon??” He asked and Astraea looked over to him before nodding shyly.

Lionel gave a shake of his head, “So..I guess..when this war ends, we’ll be coexisting with each other?” He asked Adonis.
Local Time:
2:33 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Hayden looked over to Adonis. “I’ll keep my end of the deal..and you said you’re marrying her and this is will make our two kingdoms united,” he mentioned now, and moves to stand. “I’ll go and call off the rest,” he tells Adonis, and looks to his sister. “I’ll see you both on your wedding day,” he promised, the other dragons following him as he left the infirmary.
Local Time:
2:33 PM
Nov 10, 2022
It wasn’t until the night before their wedding that Astraea was back in their room, curled up peacefully in the ‘nest’ that she made. She wasn’t sure why she did, but she knew it gave a her a sense of something. She was happily in her more dragon like form, her red scales lining up her curves beautifully, and her tail flicked behind her contently. Adonis would notice that her scent had changed, but..unlike her heat scent, this was different..
Local Time:
2:33 PM
May 21, 2024
Sadly Adonis was kicked out of the nest for some reason as he layed beside the mountains of blankets and pillows. Looking over to her he gave a small look. "My love..." He trails off, the scent was weird... very weird.

It was different from the scent she gave off when she was in heat. It was new... but still inviting.
Local Time:
2:33 PM
May 21, 2024
Adonis blinked at the invitation. While it wasn't unwelcome it was rather weird and different from her behavior. It was almost like she was having mood swings...

"Alright." He mumbles under his breath as he practically climbs over the barrier and shuffled in the little makeshift nest next to her. "Astraea... I... I have some concerns." He whispers softly.
Local Time:
2:33 PM
May 21, 2024
"Well your behavior." He point out. "You've been very moody and peculiar. I'm sure there is something going on with you. Your scent is different as well."

Adonis then softly wrapped and arm around her waist. "I'll have to ask your brother or.. really and draconic attendants at the wedding what's wrong with you but my love, there has to be something changing about you."
Local Time:
2:33 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She blushed deeply from his words, and felt very shy in this moment. “Different? Is..I’m.. I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be moody,” she tells him softly, the end of her tail flicking slightly. “I don’t know..it’s just..I’ve been all achey, and.. I’m not sure why,” she explains to him.
Local Time:
2:33 PM
May 21, 2024
Adonis frowned softly and pressed a kiss to her temple. "You don't have to say sorry... there just maybe something going on with your body that neither of us can understand." He whispers to her softly. He sighs heavily as he sinks into the nest of pillows and blankets. "Doesn't matter now... tomorrow we're getting married.. You'll finally be my wife, my queen." He hums against her forehead.
Local Time:
2:33 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She smiled softly to him as he told her that tomorrow she will be his wife, and his queen. She was very relieved to hear that and she sunk down with him further. She felt very comfortable and content. “I know,” she said to him softly, “I’m looking forward to it,” she tells him happily, kissing his cheek now.
Local Time:
2:33 PM
May 21, 2024
And he did notice it.

She wasn't as thin as she was when they first started out but... now even with her being a lot more healthier it was still rounder... almost like she was pregnant.

But she wasn't pregnant... right?

"I guess I'll have to wait then.." Adonis sighs softly before closing his eyes. "Now rest... tomorrow is a big day.." He whispers.
Local Time:
2:33 PM
May 21, 2024
Adonis groaned in his sleep at the abrupt shift in weight, he really was a light sleeper. "My love..." He whispers out groggily as he slowly untangled himself out of the nest. Finding her at the tub throwing up his heart sounded against his chest. "Astraea... are you alright?" He asks rushing over to her and places a hand at the small of her back rubbing small circles.
Local Time:
2:33 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Astraea leaned back and wiped at the corners of her mouth. She took in long, deep breaths and she shook her head. “N-No, I-“ she leaned back over the tub. When she couldn’t anymore, she reached over and turned the tub on to wash everything down, and she cupped her hand to gather water and wipe her mouth down and out. She gave a deep breath, and looked back to Adonis. “I—I don’t know what is wrong with me,” she spoke, not realizing that she was pregnant.
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