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Fantasy RP The Dragon’s Kingdom (Lux)

Local Time:
2:37 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She conversed with them happily, letting them clean her and wash her hair, soon letting it dry and putting it into quite the fancy style. She was also using oils and lotions to make herself smell better, and one attendant noticed how round her stomach had become, but didn’t say anything, her corset for the dress would hide most of it.
Local Time:
2:37 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She gave a soft blush and smiled to her, “Thank you..” she murmured out softly, looking at herself in the mirror. The dress was very fluffy at the bottom and had embroidered flowers on it. She touched them with her hands and was happy with what she saw.

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Local Time:
2:37 PM
May 21, 2024
(Literally in love! I've gotta think of a suit or what ever for Adonis now... T-T)

Once the dress was on Astraea the attendants gushed and praise her looks. They were really a kind bunch. "Now the finishing touch." One says as they work to gether to fix up her hair beautifully and put the veil on her.
Local Time:
2:37 PM
May 21, 2024
The attendants happily beamed at the praise and moved around her. "Is there anything else you'd want to put on, before we get you to the chapel?" An attendant asks as she moves her hands under the veil to straighten it out.

(I think I might do something like this...)
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Local Time:
2:37 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She thought about it and then shook her head, “No, I think everything is perfect,” she tells them happily. “All I’ll need left is just my bouquet,” she murmured out, reminding herself more than anything.

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Local Time:
2:37 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Once arriving to the big double doors, she took in a deep breath. She was patiently waiting for her father to arrive to walk her down the aisle. Once Lionel was there, she smiled towards him. “Ready?” He asked her, looping his arm around hers.

“Ready,” she tells him next, and Astraea heard the band start up the moment the doors opened. Outstretched the long aisle before her, with Adonis waiting for her on the other side. This wasn’t just a wedding, but was a coronation all in one.

Once she started walking down the aisle she began to feel butterflies in her stomach.
Local Time:
2:37 PM
May 21, 2024
The seats filled with people and dragons alike. While this was a wedding and a coronation it was also a celebration of this long drawn out war finally ending.

At the end of the aisle, by the alter, stood Adonis. The black suit adorned with gold embellishments made his white hair, which was pulled back, pop out more. He watched Astraea walk towards him, and all he could feel was love. Pure love for the woman infront of him. He looked to her with adoration as his eyes seemed to get a watery film over them.

He raised a hand and gently coughed behind his palm, trying not to cry happy tears.
Local Time:
2:37 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She was trying not to cry as well, her makeup was done too nicely. And once reached at the end, Adonis would see Lionel kiss his daughter on the hand, before letting her step up by Adonis. She handed off her bouquet to one bridesmaid before she did.

It was then where everyone settled down and the priest began to speak an officiate the wedding. When it came time for vows, Astraea went first, but she let Adonis lift her vail before she did. Once she was able to see him better, she gave him a loving look before starting-

“I promise to love you and to uphold you whenever times get difficult, to be there for you to confide in always. I want you to know that my love for you is never ending, never changing, and no matter what comes our way, I know I will be able to get through anything, as long as you are by my side.” She finished and looked to Adonis as they continued to hold hands.
Local Time:
2:37 PM
May 21, 2024
Adonis had to take a small breath before biting his lip, his head ducking down momentarily before lifting back up.

With a gentle smile on his lips he gave her hands a soft squeeze. "I vow from this point onward that I'll be your rock, your safe place. My love for you knows no bounds and I will only fall deeper in love every single day. I will cherishever waking day I'll have with you. I know that in the end if you love me and hold me close I'll be alright." His voice was a little shaky but he continues. "I promise to protect and love the family we will create, if you were to have me of course." He finishes with a small light hearted tone.
Local Time:
2:37 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Astraea only blushed and smiled from his words, “Of course,” she whispered out, squeezing his hands in return. Then the priest began to end with, “Your Majesty, Adonis—Will you take this woman as your bride— your Queen, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad?”
Local Time:
2:37 PM
Nov 10, 2022
The priest then looked to Astraea, repeating the same thing, but modifying it slightly. Astraea then looked to the priest before back to Adonis. And with a smile she also said, “I do,” and with that- the rings were presented. Astraea grabbed Adonis’ while he grabbed hers. She slipped his on his ring finger and then heard the priest say happily— “I now pronounce you husband and wife!” He looked to Adonis. “You may kiss your bride,” he knew after this the coronation would take place right after. The crown was already present for Astraea.
Local Time:
2:37 PM
May 21, 2024
He had already slipped the ring on to her finger by the time he was wrapping a hand around the small of her waist and back pulling her in and kissing her deeply. He knew he had to keep the kiss short as she needed to be crowned but he was a little over joyed to finally say that she was his wife.
Local Time:
2:37 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She kissed him back just as happily, and as passionate as he did. Once she was done and they pulled away, she took his hand as he lead her up to the throne. She turned back around and looked over the crowd as the bishop came over to crown and coronate her.

She bowed her head as the crown was put in place, and she heard everyone begin to shout, ‘Long live the Queen! Long live the Queen!”

Raising her head she looked to Adonis, smiling widely as, he helped her up to her seat, and she sat with him.
Local Time:
2:37 PM
Nov 10, 2022
It wasn’t until after the wedding and coronation that they had gathered in the dining hall to celebrate. There was music and lively cheers amongst Adonis’ men, congratulating him and toasting in his honor and of course, Astraea’s.

The female dragon from earlier— who had caused the damage to the castle was there, and Astraea had convinced Adonis to not give her punishment, for she had just been following orders. She noticed Astraea and walked over to her when she motioned her close. Astraea privately asked her something and then the women nodded and confirmed her thinking. She then looked very excited and the woman was happy about giving the news to her newly appointed queen.
Local Time:
2:37 PM
May 21, 2024
It was very hush hush between the two women.

Adonis had found himself preoccupied with a lot of his other men, congratulating him for his marriage. He made his rounds through the people. He spoke with some of the dragons that came as well. He wanted to speak with Hayden as they were now family. Adonis at first worried about dragons and humans in the same room but with an air of happiness there was an unspoken truce amongst the guests.
Local Time:
2:37 PM
May 21, 2024
Adonis then softly placed a hand on Hayden's shoulder. "I know it's what your used to... but tonight, as your king, I order you to go have fun." He says with a smile. "I don't want to see you being a wallflower." He comments softly before moving towards Astraea. Quiet steps as he had the intention of coming up behind her and scaring her playfully.
Local Time:
2:37 PM
Nov 10, 2022
(I see your badge! Happy belated birthday!!)

Astraea gave a soft gasp at his sudden embrace, and then it delved into laughter. “I’m sorry my love, I was just discussing with Naomi about a few things..” she mentioned to him with a soft smile. “To which I will discuss with you later,” she hums next.
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