His cheeks almost seemed rosy from the heat of the water- especially grew with her words. "And I am yours," he breathed out in response, his hands still resting on her fragile frame gently.
A soft smile appeared on her lips, the heat of the water offering color to her skin but she felt off and more weak than usual but did not wish to ruin this time with him. She peck his nose before shifting so her back pressed to his chest "Mind helping me?" requesting of him as she grabs a sponge with soap.
He could scent it, her weakness, but he decided to say nothing, only speaking when she had asked him a favor. He then nodded, beginning to wash her body gently. "After this, I want you to drink some more of my blood, I don't want your strength failing too quickly. Not on my watch," he said full of resolve.
She rests against him with a big smile on her face as he washed her up, enjoying herself with a type of massage. Her eyes popped hearing him basically order she drinks his blood resulting in her sitting up. “N-no…I am feel fine” admitting softly not wanting to use him as a way to make herself feel better.
Looking over to him a smile was offered “long as you take me to the kitchen and help me make breakfast” wiggling in his lap. Rarely she got to cook for her self, hell to even enter the kitchen.
He raised a brow, wondering what on earth she could be wanting. But, of course, she was his princess, and he wanted to do anything and everything for her. "Of course, I'll help you in any way that I can," she would hear him say, smiling to her softly.
A small clap was given before standing up from the water, her skin shining as the light bounced off the water droplets. But she felt a dizzy spell overcome her, a slight sway given as she held her head. For a moment she believed it had passed just as everything went black and she collapsed back into the water.
He watched her, and then as she collapsed, he yelled out her name. “Cassandra!” He cried out, pulling her out of the water, drying her off and making sure she was back in bed. He paced by her bed, wondering what he should do.
Her body was exhausted, rest and fluids was what she needed until she woke which could be hours or take days. Her black out episodes were not common but occurred enough to not worry her doctor all that much. Yet still she could hear all that went on around her which was mostly nothing but he was here. She had him now, she wont be alone anymore.
Fluids were given to her by a set of needles and tubes, those filtering into her veins, giving her a saline solution that would hydrate her exhausted body. The doctors had brought in modern medicine for that era especially just for the princess, hoping to aid some relief- And Eric could only wait, which he hated, as the days and nights dragged on.
A day and a half would pass, soft groan rose from her as she turns to stretch and awaken her body from such deep sleep. Her eyes blinking open to tale in the dimly lit room “Eric” whispering his name. It was sunset outside, he must be around.
Eric’s eyes glowed in the dimly lighted room and she would see him come close to her side. “I’m here,” he promised, reaching out to hold a hand to hers.
Her hand reached for him, grasping his hand as tight as she could “how long was I out?” Asking of him. She knew it was scary, he must have been worried sick. Also made her worry he may never touch her again.
"About a day and a half," he tells her next, squeezing her hand gently. He could sense worry come off of her in waves. And then he looked to her face. "Are you feeling alright now?" he asked, worry laced in his voice.
His answer made her frown, sleeping more the normal hours made her feel like she lost time though most was s[end in her room, the garden, library for with her doctor but now she had Eric who she hoped would allow her to thrive through his history in the world. "Yeah, just heavy, like when you first wake up from a super deep sleep and your body is sunk into the bed" answering him as she rubs her hand over her forehead and eyes. "Mind telling me a story, I want to feel more awake...less you know other ways to make be feel alive and excited?" tilting her head as she looks his way.
"Feel alive and excited.." he trailed off and gave a small chuckle at her request. "I'm not sure if I'm the right person for the job, my princess.." he teased her ever so slightly. "But...I can take you somewhere, somewhere only vampires frequent.." he mentioned next, wondering if she would be up for the offer.
A blink was givin out of surprise to such a suggestion, she glances toward her window then over to the door wondering if it was a good idea but better than just sitting in here recovering from a passing out. She moves to crawl herself out of bed, offering a big stretch of her body "Okay...long as you protect me" humming with a big smile. "Also, dress me" giggling as she twirls to show she was feeling a good day in her.
He watched, and then went to stop her twirling, concerned laced in his gaze. "Princess.." he said sternly, calmly, lovingly... "You have to be careful of your dizzy spells," he reminded her, going to sit her down in a chair as he fetched garments for her to wear.
Finding his arms around her to halt her fun she offer him a playful pout as he set her down into a chair "yes, yes I know but I rarely feel this light and energized" pointing out that she wanted to have a good day. They were rare, she grabbed onto them for dear life when they came around. For now she sat back awaiting his choice of wear for her, hopefully he held taste.
He sighed but he didn’t seem upset with her. “I understand..I just worry over you,” he reminded her next, picking out an outfit that was fit for traveling, but seemingly wasn’t too heavy, considering where he was planning on taking them.
She rose back to her feet at the reveal of her travel attire being drawn out “good choice” finding it sweet how he cares for her. Not allowing herself to imagine how he was while she slept along with how more delicate he treated her. Snatching the outfit she got ready in a few minutes “so how are traveling? Carriage, horse back?” She questions
“Horseback,” he answered in return, looking to her next. “But I’m the one holding the reins. You’ll be in front of me,” he tells her next, seemingly planning something, but he didn’t know how he would tell her.
Her eyes lit up hearing they were to go riding but had to agree with his terms of sharing a horse. Her condition left her fragile and if thrown or ran off with she could get severely injured. “Alright” nodding her head as they head down to the stables still clueless of his plan.
He let her follow, first heading to his own quarters to gear up. He put on garments to protect himself from the sun, and raised his hood, looking to her and giving her a cloak of her own, so the sun wouldn’t harm her delicate skin.
Standing there to watch him change clothing, cover himself up which she was curious as to why the sun hurt them but kept her mouth shut not wishing to distract him from whatever he planned. "how long is the ride going to be?" glancing toward the nearest window.
He noticed her glance and he gave a small chuckle, “Remember, vampires combust underneath direct sunlight..as for you, I don’t want you catching a nasty burn.” He spoke and saddled up the horse, helping her up first and then himself.
Nodding her head she understood the reminder but she already had pasty skin, some color would not hurt. Standing back from the horse as he tacked up, not daring to risk injury before they even head out though she did love drawing the beautiful creatures. Grabbing onto some mane once lifted up into the saddle feeling him join behind her, felt intimately close.
He wrapped his arms around her waist, grabbing the reins and set off on their journey. He made sure to pack some light non perishable food, and went to a place where only vampires gathered. It was ironically called the moon pool and it was located in a cave. The cave had a single opening at the top of it, allowing light to filter through. There was a path leading down to this moon pool, the sunlight hitting the already warm water would be a nice reprieve for Cassandra’s aching body.
Having to use the little muscle she had to keep upright on the horse, his arms around her were great to keep her in the saddle but not off the horse's neck. At least the ride was not that long as they arrived upon a cave where she could hear the echo of water drawing a smile upon her lips "Skinny dipping?" she giggles.
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