Fantasy RP Tusks and Chains (Lord Sesshomaru)

feeling how her internal muscles tightened around the cock, The orc was able to feel how her pet was filling her deeper, and harder then any in the past.
with the exception of her own mother. this oni was getting rougher, as he would smirk, leaning into his mistress.

"you know, with that kind of punishment, who is to say one of your sisters, or our mother in law would not be the one to make use of me while you are busy?, after all
You are my mistress, but even we pets have needs ." saying this in a playfully dark way. the wicked stud began to spew his first wave of impressively thick hot seed into Luud,
which would be far from over, however as he was getting carried away, the head goblin could soon be heard heading tours their location, as Luud was in no position to break free or stop her pet
from his assault upon her at this point.
"The Queen can do what she wills. But my sisters are not to touch you." Luud said as his tease made something in the air cold, her eyes twinkled with a glint of violence. Even in such a compromised position, her pet felt her leg muscles flex slightly, putting pressure on his shoulder. "Or I won't have a pet or a sister." She whispered
hearing this, the wicked Oni would get all the rougher the instant he felt her flesh. as if this sudden burst of agitation also painted the right moment for his meaty rod to dive deep into her.
causing Luud to have an almost instant burst of an orgasm. a feat even her mother did not manage to do. which would only reveal to her, that the comment part about her sister was all part of her pet's
ploy. to get this ideal position and chance to make her body melt flawlessly.
Managing to do the impossible, being only the second partner in Luud's experience, and long life to break her like this. The pet or Oni, would find that he had a spear which could ideally please his mistress. Albeit one which would also get him
into much more trouble later. but The shaman going unnoticed now smirking as the formerly indominable orc he knew and hated to deal with, was becoming a lewd, mess of pleasure oddly cute mountain of muscles. a rare sight, and show for this
elderly stud. However he would remain silent until the show ended.

Getting not one but three over whelming loads to release into her depths,. Luud would feel how her belly would begin to expand slowly, the all to familiar sensation of being weighed down, however unlike with her mother this pet
took multiple loads to put her in a filled condition, when her own mother could do it in one. Yet as her pet went to town, her own body finally turning on the powerful maiden. her mind hazing with only thoughts of the pleasure filling her, blinding the
prideful mistress of the lewd show she was now putting on. as the real question would come to, which would hit their end first, the powerful mistress or her aggressively addictive stud of a pet or slave?
She felt her belly expanding, her body feeling the same sensations of her mother upon her. But rather than submitting or weakening, she kept him in her grapple , , her body steeling itself instinctively, still not willing to be easily broken. Sheoamed hotly, enjoying him, his every thrust and pump of his sees, but starting to push back against him to start asserting her power against him.
Now getting back at her pet, yet still enjoying every moment of it. Luud would find that her pet had done alot of home work, learning about her weakness, and ideal spots of desires. the tusked maiden discovering all the tricks her
mother normally broke her with being used right here and now. her belly weight increasing, the sound of water splashing, and flesh impacting one another. all the more with her own increase in aggressive gusto.

she would feel the sharp little fangs of her oni clamping upon one of Luud's muscular breast. as his tongue lashed out and abused her now rock hard, erect nipple. as he bounced his mistress, moving against her own impacting movements.

the two making quiet the wonderful show for the old goblin shaman who watched with a smirk and deep interest. as nether of them knew if, Luud was indeed fucked to a satisfied state, she would get sampled by the old goblin during a moment of vulnerability, when
her servant and playmate would not be at her side.
The more she struggled, and resisted, the rougher her pet got, and thus the more pleasure both of them felt from one another. as it was now turning into a fight of
dominance, and endurance. seeing which one would end up exhausted with a cute eroga face first. However as this grew more and more intense. if nothing else, Luud had gotten herself
the perfect playmate and pet. one which was as loyal as he was rebellious when it came to lewd desires. however this also meant if she lost, Luud would have to reclaim her position by force later.
however as it was, her bow struggling only enticed the powerful stud in her to get rougher, and to Luud's surprise, the sudden thickening of his cock with in her depths. something unexpected, as he was suddenly
thicker then even her own mother, which was not expected. however this little increase in size and thickness was not something experienced before by ether of them. showing Luud that their was still much more to
be discovered with her wicked little stud of a toy.
Her eyes widened as she felt him expand inside her, it was brief as sge tried to save face by taking it . She bit down harder, her grip on him clawing his back a bit as she pushed herself again. Much to his shock rather than buckle, his stubborn mistress had managed to use his pushing pressure to pull herself up, and then used her heavier weight to slam back in him, forcing herself to his base. "Mm-! You think your-going to beat your mistress just because your playing tricks your weak-" shevhissedv in his ear. Her Endurance was trained into her, she wouldn't go down easily.
as she said this to her pet, he would remove his maw from her breast, before responding.
"Oh, if this was enough to exhaust you, then my mistress would not be worth my desires, and loyalty. "

the two going at it all the more, however as the duo were apparently more perfect for one another then ether would realize or admit.
If Luud's lustful, and prideful mind began to think. this beast was trained, and even taught how to match her, by none other then her own mother.
meaning he was being groomed to be Luud's right hand slave, and mate. However the fact remained, it was not a bad thing was it? despite how one pride should
prevent such a thing to be accepted, yet it showed a level of love, and care none could fathom from the orc matriarch, or more so Luud's mother to ensure the daughter
had the strongest right hand playmate.
hearing this, the wicked Oni would speak back as he slammed equally, and forcefully into the Ord. enough to cause momentary, and unplanned facial reactions.
"No, I think I will become the favorite, by ruining you for other's. so only a select few can ever pleasure my lady again. "
saying this, revealing he had big plans on claiming her slowly and thorougly through out multiple sessions. it revealed that this was not planned to be a one off thing. however
as admirable as it was with an orc as his target, this did not bode well for Luud, despite her impressive and over whelming might, and lustful hunger. the pleasure shared was slowly
encroaching to an unexperienced limit for them both.
"Mm-You would be-ngh- lucky if I allow it! " She hissed as him, pulling on his hair, the grip of sex massaging the Oni with every stroke, unfortunately (perhaps that unfortunate) his cock was getting milked with such power it was dragging him closer, his body connecting to his Orc mistress more and more, wringing him out. It was different than the sensation of the Queen, hooking into his mind. It wasn't magic, ofcourse not, Luud had no Arcane connections, it was all physical, natural primal pairing strength of the wild beasts that were orcs. "You are-mm- the one thats ruined!" She growled hotly. At this rate, neither would truly conquer the other, they would fuck each other into mutual Exhaustion.
as the two went at it, the sensation of pleasure grew, along with the weakening of both their bodies. for the show was quiet something.
However before ether of them knew it. Luud, and her pet would be laid against the side of the spring. him on her back, and deep inside of his orc mistress.
the two of them both able to still trash talk but both to exhausted to move, when the little goblin shaman finally showed himself.

clapping his hands as he had watched this show for quiet some time from the unseen shadows.
"So I cam to lecture the mighty Luud, but it seems she found a toy which is on her own footing. Perhaps this embarrassing sight will be enough punishment, along with you having to personally
buy my granddaughter now. such a young shrine maiden no longer able to be kept by our kin. " saying this with a dark, cold and oddly frightening tone. as the oni did not know this tiny stud he ignored it
however Luud knew the real horror. as this tone, more then that, this old goblin was more then just a close acquantance with her mother, but one of a very select few her mother valued over their own
clan. due to the long and very intimate history the clan chief had with a tiny select few from her days as a young orc adventurer. meaning this non verbal threat would be perfect for luud to understand unlike her
pet which now had her exhausted body pinned under his own.
Luud looked up to hltje Shaman, her arms moving slowly. Putting it on the Oni's chest and shifting up a bit. "Ha-i-well- she's-" Luud tried to find her works, and her breath, huffing still. "I will-take good care of her." She agreed knowing that she had no it would be dishonest to say she hadn't been seen on occasions sniffing around the maiden in the past. Perhaps hos her perlt hadn't come into the picture they would have been pressed into a political marriage...after Luud had been caught taking her little body for a ride. She grabbed the Oni by the jaw, just hands flexing tired, but firmly to keep him from speaking. "How many slaves will she cost?" She said as she seemed ti be taking the efforts to look actually somewhat apologetic, well, in other eyes it would be diplomatic, but the Goblin knew Orc ways better than even Oni Kind.
the little shaman would smirk, as he moved to cross his legs before the two exhausted playmates. lighting a small pipe. which would have a strange calming aroma mixed with it's smoke.
a sly smirk coming across his face, as he looked to the exhausted Luud, and her pet.

"Well then, I would say as this one is special, being my grand child It would be fair for two women, and a powerful male slave for labor reasons of course, one maiden to be trained as a maiden, and one to be used for choirs, while the male can
help her mother with other tasks. would this not seem fair in this situation?" asking this, the little goblin knew he was asking far more then should ever be acceptable, however using her blood line, and unique position in their goblin clan
as a reason to raise her value at this point.
"You ask for a very high price." She snorted abd scowled slightly. "We can give you two elf women, a strong orc male, and we can give you a halfing to make a maiden." She said. They had a fair store of volunteers...and slaves, but Luud was testing how much the Shaman would be willing to haggle on. A halfing in particular would be tempting, halflings had been a enemy of Goblinkind, to subjugate one might soften the blow of giving up a grand daughter to the brute warrior princess.
"Think of it, this one holds a very high value, to our clan she is as unique as you are you your own clan. albeit not a warrior."
as he spoke, the shaman painted an interesting and very troublesome image for the leader of the trades. as Luud would soon find her attempt to try and barter
a lower price only would end up making it more costly in many ways. as the Oni would speak up, stating that he would not see any more then two slaves worth the goblin.

speaking up, this would agitate the shaman leader of the goblins. as such it could cause a new kind of issue if the exhausted Luud did not shut up her barking pet so to speak.
as he did not like how this goblin seemed to have the advantage over his lady in this unique deal, which was due to his own actions.
Luud looked down to her pet sharply, her strike was harsh and effient, punching the Oni in the mouth ."You don't speak for me!" She snapped as she glared at him. This one was meant to hurt pointedly rather than playfully, the Shaman feeling the impact vibrate in the ground. "The next time you open your mouth, it best be to pleasure your lady or to beg for forgiveness." She said as she grabbed his hair. Despite her weakened state, her muscles bulked and her eyes sharpened on him briefly, those soft feelings he made in her being wrapped in steel plated authority. She would not be embarrassed before any leader and she would beat his skull into paste if he did after her warning.
as she struck the oni, the shaman would chuckle, as he looked to the two. remembering something of his past, however he would reveal to Luud. how she treated this oni, was how her mother once treated her late father so long ago.
letting this slip out with out realizing it, the shaman would smile, as he moved to get up and leave the spring.

"well then, once you two are done, and dressed, come to my tent, and we will properly finish our business talks. besides my grand daughter you still have many specialty slaves to seek out from our trade.
so we will make sure the deal is done right my dear little guest. " saying this as he seemed to be in a good mood after the little show of pet, and master before his eyes. this could be seen as a small grace or win for Luud which was not planned.
Luud flushed as the shaman left them alone, the Orc pulling herself out of the water. Speaking of her mother and father made her a bit quiet as she grabbed her clothes to dress herself, scowling a bit. Luud never really knew of her father, she didn't even know what bloodline she carried, though her mother often gave her different answers to tease her when she was younger. She had once believed her father was even an Oogrik, a child of an orc and one of their war god's many fabled demigod sons, with how often her mother played such jokes. She pulled her armor on, tightening the straps as she shook the thoughts away. She had work to do.
Now dressed, The duo would be leaving the spring, however the instant Luud would feel her exhausted legs partially lose their footing under her. causing the powerful
warrior maiden to trip a bit. she would find her pet catching and supporting her. which would be fine as long as they were not in view, however how would one treat this sight
once it was seen. However it would be short lived.

"My lady, shall I go collect our prize material for this dealing? or do you wish to talk it out before we show off the elves, and other rare goods we brought?"
"Then shall I collect a few of our better looking elves for you to show off and offer while talking?"
asking this with a devilish smirk, the Oni would have something up his sleeve, his eyes would not hide it. however now Luud knew
he would obey for now. as he was satisfied. meaning until the need was felt again he would be a good little pet, yet it was oddly cute how he became
more rebellious when he was horny, and how his true cunning came out with how he did such things to enjoy his mistress, showing off how her unique pet was truly
a slave worthy of herself or her mother.
a short while passed, as Luud would be sitting criss-crossed ( indian style ) before the small shaman now. as he stood, before her sitting frame, and still his head only came up to her chin at best.
as he coughed into his little green fist before speaking.

"SO then, I assume your preparing some fine specimens for this dealing?"
asking this he would snap his fingers, as many prized female, and male goblins, and half lings came into the area. the half breed goblins were mostly half goblin, half imps.
these ones could be fucked, and filled like a water balloon and never pop. due to the combination of the genetics of goblins, and imps unique traits. however those which were half
gnomes, and half dwarves would be more ideal for labor, in their specific fields. as the pure blooded goblins were like prized toys for any race, due to their own unique libidos', and unwavering loyalty to any
who could sate them on the first session together. thus only the virgin ones were presented.

as this was going on, Luud knew well her pet would bring only their best, however the real issue would be the tainted granddaughter which would be the most expensive of all the potential slaves.
and one which would most likely want to cling to her current pet, or herself, most likely both once this deal was done.
"Ahem. Yes. We must first settle another manner, The Queen requires a..mmm...distraction, one that can put up with her tenacity and...output." she said s she eyes the Goblinoids as they were lined up. Ofcourse they were all valuable, but Luud was ever dutiful. Luud glanced at the Shamans Granddaughter, blushing faintly at her as they looked to each other, but looked back to the group. She was tempted to simply pick the small plump Goblin up and put her on her lap just so she knew she had not forgotten her.
Hearing this, the shaman would smirk, deviously as he had the perfect play thing for such a woman as Luud's mother.
she would soon see him clapping his hand, as a small Imp like half breed, soon came as this bubbly big titty goblin maiden came.
she stuck out compared to the others, due to how she was closer to the imp then the goblin like the rest.

as this was going on, it would not be long before Her own pet would soon bring in many of the more ideal and
valuable slaves of elves, and so on. even a few of her sisters which volunteered to be offered came with the on, hosting devilish smirks themselves.
"Kneel." Luud said gesturing to the slaves as the Oni brought them in, waving her hand. "Allow our host to look at you all closely as he likes." She said as she looked at the Oni briefly. "You. Sit here." She said to him, slapping the huts floor beside her. "And Remember your place."

She turned her attention to the Imp blooded Goblin. Luud reached out to her, grabbing her up in her large hands to pull her over to her to inspect her. She pulled her mouth open, humming as she inspected her teeth, her lips. "And this one is your best? She can withstand an orc?"

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