A Vampire Raised with Lycans (the Brit)

The man pulled back and gave a snicker, “Oh, like he would care?!” He leaned in and gave a darkened gaze full of malicious intent. “ ‘That wasn’t you..’ “ the vampire mocked Akari, he apparently had overheard their conversation. He glanced to his friend and tilts his head, “how about a bet, hm? I don’t think he’ll show..” he could hear her heartbeat pound rapidly in fear in her chest. That’s exactly what he wanted to hear.
What Akari would witness next, was the two men being pulled from her frame, both of their heads missing in a few seconds.

Axel’s strong arms caught Akari as she faltered and she would see how deeply his eyes held concern for her. She would then hear a muffled ‘Shit-! Akari- stay with me..” through the ringing of her ears -even as warm blood ran past her lips and down her throat, Axel’s blood beginning to heal her.
He heard only her heartbeat and his own faltered. N-No… he- he didn’t respond to Akari and picked her up, rushing her to the infirmary right away, laying her on a bed and demanding her medical attention immediately.

Axel paced as the nurses hovered over Akari, performing emergency surgery, attempting to save the child within. When the babe was out, one nurse went over and tried to warm it up, rubbing and pressing on his chest, praying the child would breathe.
Axel cursed and sent medical supplies flying off the table in his anger. How could he have been so…stupid?! He calmed and asked the nurse for his child, holding the lifeless body in his hands. “I’m sorry-“ he voice broke, and he glanced to Akari, noting she was being fed by a servant, blood- healing her from the surgery and hopefully to bring her out of her trance.
He clenched his jaw, moving slightly and putting his head down on his son’s frame. “A life for a life..” he murmured softly. He glanced up and looked over to a nurse, his eyes sharpening. The nurse suddenly dropped, and the thud would get Akari’s attention. The nurse’s body suddenly started to bleed, staining the tile, and soon Axel heard a tiny cough, and then a wail pierced the air. He glanced to his son who was crying out, his cold body warming up now, and he cried desperately for his mother.
Axel looked to Akari, his face darkened. “Would you rather have no son?” He asked and let another nurse take the wailing babe, hushing him while rocking the small boy.

Axel stood, “Fine, just sit there and wail for your dead son I suppose,” but although his words threatened, he didn’t do anything else. “Would you have rather died than me to save you and do everything I can to help?” He was right though, one nurse murdered…versus her own life, she was the one to call out for him in the first place. He had been such a close friend, their feelings had blossomed over the years, a kiss stolen here and there, and then that night of the blood moon- where he had asked her to run, his feelings overpowered by the sway of it..but not once did he harm her, he had only pleasured her and mated her laying into his own desires. If she didn’t like it…wouldn’t she have left him after the whole thing? Feel ashamed and go clean herself up? No. She stayed with him during the rest of the night, being sheltered by him like a normal male would to protect their mate from others.

Axel turned and left the infirmary, angry mostly, at how ungrateful Akari sounded. But he understood at least…a little. Was she not relieved that their son was alive now? He pushed open his door to his chambers and shut it, locking himself inside. “Fine, be that way-“ he sighed and closed his eyes, trying to calm his rage.
Then a thought entered her mind, although wanting to blame him- she would be able to only blame herself. She stated herself she didn’t want to be his mate, how he wasn’t himself that night..so he only did what he thought would be best. She didn’t want to be his mate? Sure. He’ll get rid of his mate mark. Of course he didn’t account on how soon someone would make a move on her- but then again, she was the one to cry out for him to help. Not anyone else, but him.

Axel laid down in his bed, settling down and trying to sleep. This was not what he had wanted to happen. He wanted to fawn over her, love her and offer her a better outlet than her servitude, but she was the one who argued with him earlier, and he couldn’t really understand why she was so ungrateful. He was offering and she had slapped the giving hand..
Akari thought about it, but even as she did, the idea was cast out. He'd given her the warning to run, but she'd never have escaped. And then he'd removed her mark, without even thinking she might have been somewhere at risk, without realising just how much it would do. And of course she'd called out for him. No one else would have bothered to save a servant like her, even a pregnant one.
The nurse looked over at Akari, giving a small sigh. “Milady…” she began, and bit her lip. “What do you wish for me to do with..” she mentioned about the babe in her arms, now that was cooing gently from his crying fit. Wait. Why did she call her milady? She was just a servant…but then again, everyone knew that Axel had long ago imprinted on the servant but Akari wouldn’t know.
The nurse blinked, biting her lip and turning to go find Axel. But he of course refused to take the child too. She was at a loss, and then thought of something else.

Lilia touched her swollen baby belly with her hand gently, and she heard a knock on her door. She watched William go to open it, and there was the nurse with the babe in her arms. Lilia immediately asked what was going on and after the nurse told her of what had transpired…Lilia then asked the woman to give the child to her.

She looked to the young one and glanced up to William, to see what he thought of the matter.
The nurse nodded and left them be, turning and going back to the infirmary.

“William…what are we to do if none of them want…” she paused and heard the boy become fussy, obviously wanting to feed. Lilia blinked and maneuvered a breast out, letting the babe attach to a swollen nipple of hers, knowing she produced milk already. She touched his head gently with her hand, obviously lost in thought now.
“For my wants?!” Axel stood up now, rage clearly in his gaze. “I was doing it all for HER!” He yelled, glowering at William. “I cannot help that my instincts chose Akari, you know as much William! I imprinted on her much like you imprinted on Lilia-“ he shoved past his brother and turned to say, “You may be the ruler here, William, but stay out of my affairs!” And with that he flashed off, heading somewhere in the forest.

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