A Vampire Raised with Lycans (the Brit)

“Perhaps you both were at fault…I’m sure Axel was just doing what he thought could help, even if its…irrational.” She paused, noting Akari reaching out. “He told William you were distraught over the loss of your son…and I can understand he’d do anything to bring him back, considering he imprinted on you and…well, I know he cares deeply for you.” And Akari would catch a glimpse of her memories, how Axel seemed to always be by Akari’s side, caring for her when she had fallen ill, letting her drink from his blood when she had caught a nasty plague, telling her how much he loved her but she deserved someone far better than him- but then she would wonder why she was just remembering these now…perhaps it only came about because the compulsion to forget was released? That would mean…the person who compulsory those memories away died..?
She would be drawn to the woods, a pack of hunters surrounded Axel, who was on the ground, his side bleeding heavily and he seemingly seemed passed out but at first glance he appeared dead. The hunters had used a nasty toxin to overtake his brute strength. Next they were touching on his fur, going to pull him on their cart and bring him back to their guild. They were unaware that Akari had caught onto Axel’s scent.
Axel was surprised mostly, to see Akari laying there just a few feet away from him in another cell. He figured she had been out as well like he had been, he didn't once think she had actually came to find him.

Looking around more, he tried sniffing the air, trying to get a sense of where he was at, but the dampness of the mud around them clouded his senses too much. He cursed silently and figured he would have to find another way out somehow. Then his ears perked up as he heard someone come into the cellar.

A meek looking woman entered, her ears and tail a dead giveaway that she was a werewolf. She blinked when she looked at Axel, and her eyes widened. "A-Axel... is that you?" She asked and came closer and Axel couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"Mother?!" He exclaimed in shock, like he was seeing a ghost. But the woman in front of him was definitely real.
"M-Mother- I- I-" He was at a loss for words. He knew she had been killed. Surely this was a cruel trick. But her scent was all too familiar. Being the youngest of the triplets he had been the closest to her.

His mother hushed him, glancing to Akari briefly before turning back to Axel. "Quiet-" Her ears flicked as she listened for others. "You remember the rival pack that attacked your father's coven..?" She began to speak in a hushed voice, and Axel nodded slowly. "We're in their territory now and you're in one of their prisons.."
"Their leader is a cruel cruel man.." His mother resumed speaking, looking to Akari as she did, and showed countless scars on her arms and probably more on her back and body alone.. Axel couldn't believe what he was seeing but, if it truly was his mother..

"You will be used for breeding purposes.. like I was," And with those words, Axel's face paled. "Wh-What?" he whispered out, his eyes full of shock.

"All they want is an army, to rise up against the vampires.." She mentioned more, and looked down in shame, "Your father's coven was the first to be attacked but it won't be the last.."
"Believe me...I did too." She swallowed, "But I held out, hoping for the day that maybe your father..."

Axel growled lowly, "He's turned into a piece of shit ever since he lost you..." He nearly spat out, but calmed down when he saw his mother's ears lay back on her head. Knowing it was truly a sensitive topic for her.

"I will do my best to get you both out of here," She promised now, her eyes full of determination but sadness laid behind her irises. "But do not think I can come with you..if I do, surely the coven will no longer be a safe place. He will track me down and kill you and your brothers." she sounded like it had been threatened to her before.
"If it means my sons will still live....I must," she said, and backed away. "They will come for you later," She looked first at Axel and then Akari. "Both of you will be used...that I cannot prevent and..and I'm sorry," she spoke, biting her lip. "I've already been gone for too long, I need to go back, he'll suspect something is up.."

(so just a thought. Perhaps this man is her husband's brother? Another vampire raised with lycans so to speak and that's why he wants to take over the coven?)
(Mm perhaps..but if it's brother rivalry..)

She whined, and left, going back to whoever called for her.

Axel watched his mother leave, and he bit his lip. "Shit-" he cursed and looked to Akari, "I will try to get you out of here first," He promised, even though they had previously quarreled, he still wanted to protect her.
Akari shook her head "You've gotta... You've gotta escape and warn them... Otherwise the coven will be destroyed"

"Ah, good. There you are..." As the Pack leader spoke, he gripped her head and pulled her close "Now... You know your place, don't you... Bitch?" He let go, and waited for her to make the movement down his body.
She could tell that he didn’t like that option, but he knew that they wouldn’t have any other choice. “I-“ he sighed and nodded “Alright, but I will come back for both you and my mother..”

Naomi winced as the pack leader brought her close, and she whined at his words before doing what she had been doing for a while, giving him nothing but pleasure.

A female was by him, and she was just laying there nude, her tail flicking back and forth. “When will we get a turn on the new male down there..?” She asked, mentioning about her and another woman who was fondling her at the moment.

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