A Vampire Raised with Lycans (the Brit)

Naomi hated this…she’d rather be with her love- but…she had no other choice.

The pair went off and went down to where Axel was, first eyeing the girl and and then smirking as they noted how strong Axel looked. “Mm..that toxin will take days to wear off..” one mentioned and the other nodded, “We’ll have our fun-“ one then snickered, “Perhaps we’ll even gain another mate mark..” and Akari would be able to see countless of mate marks on their necks. And down their body, worn like trophies.
The two didn’t have any interest in her, but one went to get her out of her cell. “Don’t think we’ll be leaving you..you’ll get to watch the show, as will your friend,” she smirked more and Axe growled as one began to touch Akari and the other brandished a whip, snapping it towards Axel. “Hush you mutt!” She knew he was half by just the scent of him.

Axel winced as the whip hit his skin, and the pair both took them out and up to the breeding area, shackling Akari so she wouldn’t be able to run, and doing the same to Axel, but giving him more freedom as the two began to use him to their liking, no doubt wanting to go for his seed.
And that’s exactly what they did next, teasing her and groping her breasts roughly, wanting nothing more than for her to cry out- that’s what they loved to hear the most.

Akari would notice that Axel would be driven to a hazed state, his body cumming and the females using it to their choosing. Whatever the fucked they tagged him with…he soon lost himself and ‘blacked out’. “Mm…you’re such a good pet..” one female purred into Axel’s ear, glancing over at Akari briefly, wondering if she would see what was going on.
When they were done with their new breeding pets, they both were thrown into the same cell.

Axel coughed weakly and groaned softly to himself, he felt extremely violated but he guessed this was what he deserved, especially after what he had put Akari through.

Thankfully he was more powerful than they had thought and his haze was wearing off bit by bit.
“I-“ he shakes his head, “N-No..” he refused to drink her blood. He couldn’t do that. He would be fine without it.

He heard someone enter the cellar, and Axel wasn’t sure who it was at first, but then Naomi showed up again, clearly shaken about something. She went to the cellar and fumbled with the lock, opening it up for Axel. “Shift. Take her, and get out of here-“ she nearly demanded and Axel froze for a moment, until he caught wind of an attack, his ears perking up, was it his father on one of his nightly raids? He had sworn to take down all wolf packs for revenge in killing his queen. But then again with every kill, he seemed to lose more and more of his morals.

The word ‘vampire’ was shouted, and surely the pack was unaware of what was happening, not until heads rolled, and a man standing in the center was present, dripping with werewolf blood and rage in his eyes.

Naomi’s face paled, and she had no clue who it was.
Axel saw his father rush forward, grabbing Naomi's neck. She was choking and struggling against the tight grip. She touched her hands to his hands, gasping for air.

"Father..!" Axel exclaimed suddenly, and Naomi's eyes looked at the man, confusion amongst her growing red face. "You'll hurt mother!"
“We-We were ambushed by the pack who supposedly killed mother-“ Axel explained and paused, looking to Naomi who dropped and backed up away from Kazimir . Her eyes wide with fear.

Naomi’s ears were turned back, even as she heard the pack leader snarl as they left to recoup, “This isn’t over..!” He warned and she knew now war would be inevitable between both species.

(Would you be opposed to rp’ing some backstory between Naomi and Kazimir?)
Kazimir's eyes dropped to Naomi, confusion in his vision slowly being replaced by recognition "Na...omi..." He murmured, moving forward to slowly brush her hair aside, before he looked up at the Pack Leader "It is..." He growled, and before anyone could react, his talons were punching through the werewolves heart.

(Maybe... Dunno though.)
“Shit! The pack leader’s gone!” One wolf sounded and the others fled.

Naomi’s eyes widened as blood sprayed against her face, she whined softly, worried Kazimir would go for her next.

Axel stared in shock, wincing a bit and touching his chest, blood welling there. What the..? He heard the pack leader gurgle and laugh as he coughed up blood. “You…will always suffer,” he promised Kazimir before he took his last breath, and Axel would feel the room spinning, faltering and collapsing near Akari.

“Axel!” Naomi cried out for her son, ignoring what the pack leader said, going over and searching his face for life.
Axel’s lips became stained with Akari’s blood, seemingly healing that wound in his chest, but he was still unconscious.

Naomi felt a breath of relief she didn’t know she was holding as she glanced to Akari. She didn’t notice a mate mark on her, but wondered. She leaned back and stood up on shaky legs. She turned to Kazimir, his own mate mark there, but severely faded, and marred by other scars and bites. She searched his face, wondering if that was truly him.
“My sweet Kazimir-“ she breathed as she held onto him, tears forming in her eyes. She was worried that for a moment she would lose him again and she dared to look back to look at Axel and Akari. “We…we should return back home,” he would hear her say next, her weak form leaning for support, knowing she needed a proper meal, and servants would await for her back in the coven.
Naomi walked with Akari back to the coven, and it was only till she was properly fed before she reunited with the rest of her family.

Kai was shocked just like Axel had been, and he introduced Carmen, his mate to Naomi who greeted Carmen sweetly.

Lilia clutched Axel and Akari’s son near her bosom, smiling at the interaction. She glanced to William, who was talking with Naomi and introducing her to Lilia next.

Naomi looked to the babe and gave a small smile, thinking this was William’s son. “Now I truly feel ancient seeing my grandson for the first time..!” She said happily and went to hold him, seeing the boy coo gently.

Axel was currently in the infirmary, still unconscious but his breathing was stable.
Naomi paused, gently holding the babe in her arms. “Then…we should give him back to his mother, now that she’s returned..” she had no clue of what had happened before.

Lilia bit her lip gently, “I-I don’t think that is wise,” she glanced between her in-laws..”They wanted nothing to do with him.” She said with a sad look on her pretty face.

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