Fantasy RP In the Heart of the Pridelands (Rhys)

Cylvie straightens her shirt and stretches, yawning again. "Hmm. . ." She shrugs and shifts, tail curling close as she sits and watches Therin.

After long moments, she looks away, licking her paw on e before standing. "Let's head back. . ." She turns towards the direction of camp, stating to make her way home.
Therin looked up briefly as he continued to groom her pelt, slowly licking over each tuff of fur, making sure things were nice and neat- even if he did go towards her haunches a bit, but not like he had intended anything from it.

It actually was quite common to see others mate within the vicinity of the pride, as some males were more possessive than others of who they had chose, and wanted others to know to stay away from their chosen females—

This pride definitely wasn’t like a traditional pride in any way.
Cyilve rest her chin on her paws, her ear flicking slightly. She purrs softly, her eyes slowly closing. After another moment, she rolled over onto her back, looking at Therin.

"Some of us have work to do." She slowly stands, her tail flicking and then nosing close I to his shoulder, "I need to figure out who's hunting this afternoon."

She licks at his mane a few times, huffing a soft laugh.
Therin huffed in reply and nodded to her, “Sure thing, deputy,” he teased her fondly, and others would pick up on just exactly what had happened between these two, and even if Cylvie was paying attention, a younger female was super jealous of her. (Not my second character but just for filler lol)
Cylvie would catch wind of another female, the lioness was prancing around the camp, before rolling out and in front of Therin, clearly a playful invite for him to mount her-

Therin looked over to the female and flicked an ear, soon licking his paw as if he wasn’t interested with her- which he wasn’t.
Cyilve looks up, quiet for a long moment before turning away. Unconcerned and u bothered at the moment.

After she finishes, she tasks a few pride mate's to go hunting sometime in the afternoon, before slowly making her way over to Therin.

She reaches out, absently running her fingers through his mane. She hums softly, fiddling slightly with the hair.
Therin raised his head as he laid there in the shade, huffing out gently to Cylvie as she ran her fingers through his mane. The female who was trying to get Therin’s attention gave a low growl, as if she was trying again, she even came a bit too closer to Therin than Cylvie probably would have liked
The female continues her efforts, clearly wanting Therin to mount her, and she looked over as Cylvie gave her a sharp glance, before her ears laid back slightly on her head. She then watched as Cylvie shifted and nipped Therin playfully on the cheek and she growled lowly, scratching at the ground with her claws.

Therin continued to ignore the female and as Cylvie playfully nipped him he gave a low playful growl in return, batting at her with one of his paws, his claws retracted.
Cyilve nips again, tail swaying playfully. She then nips at his paw, swatting at it. Her claws were only half sheathed, just the slightest hint of them against Therin's fur.

She looks at the female out of the corner of her eye before looking back at Therin. She huffs, and presses her flank against his, laying beside him.
Therin was enjoying playing with her for the moment, and as she huffs and lays next to him, he gave her a few licks on the top of her head in between her ears, glancing to the female who continued her effort, and he growled lowly towards her..a simple warning and she soon got the message and turned away, sighing and thinking to herself that Therin was unlucky, to have a mate like Cylvie- for every female knew that she was the only one to willingly eat Thistle to prevent herself from ovulating.

Speaking of thistle, Ambermoon was currently collecting some, as she knew Cylvie would need more in the next coming days. Ambermoon was just a year younger than Cylvie, and she had been trained by Therin to be the new Shaman of the pride. She was doing quite well actually, for the past few moons since last leaf bare, knowing that her new position made it easier to be by herself, but she did miss a few things..
Cyilve hides her face in Therin's fur, slowly relaxing. She nestles her body closer to his, headbutting him slightly in an attempt to regain his attention from the female.


Fox sits on a rock, shaded by a random tree and peering around. He was in the mood for some fun, then again, when wasn't he? There had to be someone out and about that he could mess with. . .

His eyes lock on movement to the south, and he lets out a purr of satisfaction as he jumps from the rock and stalks through the grass. Silent, stealthy and down wind.
Therin noticed Cylvie and he gave a low, deep rumble of a purr. He went back to grooming her for the time being, his entire focus on her now.

Ambermoon had no clue that Fox was currently stalking her, and she was nosing through some bushes, picking out the perfect stalks of thistle that she would need.
Ambermoon heard a rustling behind her, and she flicked an ear. She pulled her face from the bush with some thistles in her mouth and as she came across the snake..she jumped back suddenly- and dropped the thistles in her mouth. She had let out a small hiss at first, but then she realized it was dead and…she scented the air, giving a low sigh, “Come out Fox..” she murmured to him, licking the front of her chest to press down her puffed up fur.
Fox huffs, "Maybe. I don't know yet. Maybe I'll wader away and find some hot guy or something. I've been restless lately, staying in the same area." The first half was a joke, his tone playful, but as his words went on, they fell wistful. He stares at the horizon before looking at her.

He smiles brightly, and then stands, watching the other.
They padded along together before they reached back to the shared den, and she went over to where her supply stash was, knowing he wasn’t too far behind. She was pawing through some dried herbs and she glanced to him. “I know. But I tell you time and time again if you want to go off and find someone it won’t bother me,” she huffed lightly and shakes her head. She knew of his..predicament and well, she was right it didn’t bother her. For even though Therin had abolished the rules from female shamans from having cubs..she was choosing to stick to the old ways. She didn’t have time for cubs, or companionship for that matter.

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