Fantasy RP Our Fate Wasn’t A Choice (Lux)

And there she was, the blonde headed bitch of a girlfriend, easy on the eyes, yet not so much on the attitude. Entitled and jealous she often was, and she found Reyes easily after he had poked his head out. “I figured out where you were,” she chipped out happily, an almost smug look appears on her face. “Is your little vampire friend hurt?,” she asked, but didn’t seem all that concerned.
Reyes stepped out from the curtains and stood infront of them. "You don't even sound concerned..." He spits back, vemon lacing his words as he crosses his arms over his chest.

"And wipe that smug look off your face, it makes you look like you were the culprit." He adds with a growl, knowing full well of what she has been doing with the supply of bold for the vampires.
She pretended to act ‘shocked’ and she put her hand over her chest. “What? I would never harm a friend of yours,” she said outrightly, her eyes narrowing, and the ears on top of her head twitched slightly, “Or any team member for that fact,” she crossed her arms. And she was right, she wouldn’t do it herself, she’d hire someone to do so. Which she had done.
"Yeah you wouldn't, but your sneaky that way. You'd find a way to train someone's life with out them even noticing and you wouldn't have to lift a finger." Reyes sighs as he pinches the bridge of his nose in annoyance.

He then waves a hand in her direction. "I heard your conversation... you can't lie to me now." He hisses slightly at her.
She paused, her mouth opening a little, as he turned around and left her there, dumbfounded. She gave a little growl in anger, before she turned and left. He would regret this.

And soon, like the first doctor had mentioned, another one came in to check on Zaria, and administered another dose of that earlier blocking serum. “Her fever should be coming down by now,” she mentioned to Reyes, and looked at her vitals so far, “she should be feeling better but..” she sighed, “Until we finalize that cure, she’ll be getting blockers every day until then. She cannot miss a dose,” the woman stressed to him.
“In theory, yes, they would. Our serum includes a dose of werewolf venom- it is highly concentrated before it reaches her bloodstream.” She explained to Reyes, flipping through a chart of hers. “For some reason, werewolf venom..and dna…your antibodies mostly— attack the virus, just like a vaccine does.. except ten times more effectively.” She looked over to Zaria. “So these blockers are like vaccines, the werewolf antibodies and venom, works together effectively to push back the infection,” she concluded, hoping this made sense.

This is why the research team was so close, they started using werewolf dna and venom to prevent further infection, now they’re figuring out how to stop it entirely.
The doctor then went to leave Reyes alone, and after what happened to feel like an eternity, did Zaria wake up. Stirring there in the bed, she groaned out softly, “ head—“ her eyes began to open slowly. She noticed Reyes right away. “Reyes..?” She murmured out his name, wondering what had happened..then she remembered and she gave a soft gasp, “What..did they do?” She asked next, referring to the doctors as ‘they’.
Reyes snapped his head up at her, a small shaky smile on his lips. "They... they um.." He sniffled softly, with her being awake now he was relieved. So much so he could feel his emotions crash into him like a truck.

"They gave you this.. I think blocker of some sort. Apparently they've been using werewolf DNA and venom for the serums... so my bite actually helped slow down the process.." He points out softly. "You're gonna have to get the serum blocker everyday until they can figure out an actual cure.."
He could see her processing all of this and she gave a small nod, “I—I…” she trailed off, she actually felt cold for once. She shivered slightly and shakes her head. “Thank you—“ she said finally, she seemed relieved. She knew she truly didn’t want to die earlier, but..she thought she would have no choice.
Friend. That’s right, nothing more. She felt a bit hurt from that, but she couldn’t explain it. She had thought they had been so much more, and then he got that girlfriend.. She then in return gave him a small smile in return, “Right..speaking of, does..your girlfriend know you’” She asked curiously.
Reyes nods his head with a sigh. "She does and it doesn't matter.." He mumbles with a huff as he looks down at the blankets on the bed.

He said friend with all the truth in his heart. She was so much more than that, but friend was the best label for it at the moment. Though... that doesn't even matter now. He's single. He can do whatever he wants with who ever he wants.
She narrowed her eyes a bit, “don’t you ‘eh’ me,” she said lowly, giving a soft sigh, “ know I always want you to be truthful with me,” she yawned, and he could tell she would probably pass out again soon. Vampires really didn’t need sleep, but that virus…she used her free hand and rubbed at her eyes.
She leaned back a little, giving him a scowl, “What, you getting with her wasn’t hard, so why was breaking up with her more difficult?” She didn’t like that, clearly still upset and hurt. She turned her head away from him. “After all we had been through..I thought at least it’d be harder,” she sighed, shaking her head now.
"Hey, don't get upset with me!" Reyes grumbles as he gives a pointed look at her. "If course getting with her was hard, but you were still healing from Grayson... and he left you a mess. I wanted to make sure you had space to get over that."

He then leans closer his hands pressed against the bed. "I didn't want to hurt her feelings, but I was done with her because I didn't care anymore! You were hurt... you were infected because of her I know it. I care for you... I live and breath just to be by your side, so it was hard to get with her but once I finally let go of her I felt weightless."
She turned to him, a sharp look in her gaze.“Healing?! I never had to heal from Greyson- maybe from his actions preventing me from saving..” she shakes her head, “either way, you were there for me, I confided in you and..I was actually happy! Even when I was with Greyson, I had wished it was you and, I thought we…” she trailed off, catching her breath, “but the moment you decided to get a girlfriend was..” he could see tears begin to well in her eyes, she turned her face away from him again as her voice cracked, “Because I thought we— I thought I was—“
Zaria began to cry, tears rolling down her face, silent sobs racking her body now. She put her hand to her mouth and tried to calm herself down, but soon sobbed out to him, “I can’t—I..I can’t take it anymore Reyes! I..I thought..I thought I was your girlfriend..!” She gave a short, soft gasp, still trying to calm herself down. But hearing his next question she only began to cry more, “If—If you had truly..t-truly loved me— you—you wouldn’t have left for so-someone else wh-when I needed you!”

She was so lucky they were the only ones in the infirmary right around now, she didn’t want anyone else to hear her like this. She was so upset. He thought he had given her space, when in truth he had just isolated her.

Zaria couldn’t look at him, the tears blurred her vision more and she looked towards her hands as she cried. Her body was being put through this ordeal, making her first couple of blockers that she had received not..really working all that well. Those black veins in her body started up again, and she felt her hands shake and tremble.
Reyes looked down in shame. She was right... his attempt of helping her hurt her even further.

Looking up to her to speak he sees the veins grow up her once more. Fearing what may happen he grabs her hands and pull them close to his chest getting her attention. "Hey, Zai..." He says softly and sweetly. "You know how I said that werewolf DNA and vemon can help right? I was you to feed from me... it might help.." He says.

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