Fantasy RP Our Fate Wasn’t A Choice (Lux)

Her hands were pulled towards him, and that made her look at his stupid, handsome face. She sniffled, her eyes and tip of her nose a slight pink color from her crying. She heard what he said and she looked down and to the side, before agreeing.

“Fine, but..only the wrist this time,” she said firmly, she was mad at him, and didn’t want to feed from his neck again. But once they made amends, she would be fine. She was just upset on the fact she thought she had been his girlfriend and, the fact that he isolated her instead of helping..
She took his wrist and gently bit into it, closing her eyes as she fed off of him. He would see those veins fade again, and feel Zaria’s spiking body temperature return back to her normal cold feeling. Once she was done she pulled back and wiped her mouth, giving a soft sigh.

“’s not too much to ask..can we..get back together..?” She asked softly, in her mind he had ‘broken up’ with her when he had chosen that other woman.
She smiled in return and closed her eyes, giving a soft sigh as she did, feeling better from drinking Reyes’ blood. But she knew this was only the beginning. They would have to find a cure sooner than they thought, well, more so now than ever, considering Zaria was infected now, so it was only a matter of time.
It had been two days since she had been admitted to the infirmary, and she was getting restless and ready to leave, but the scientists and doctors were wanting to monitor her for a few more days, just to make sure. She had been the first successful patient who had taken well to the werewolf venom and dna.

It was late at night, and everything was quiet. Zaria had been reading a book when she heard the curtain be drawn back and in came Reyes as usual, and she appreciated him being there.

“How was patrol this time?” She asked, thankful there hadn’t been much activity as of late, it made her recovery that much more easier.
"Uneventful as usual." Reyes sighs as he steps behind the curtain as pulls it closed.

He had made it his mission to work hard in there stead, making sure that he'd take any load that she was supposed to take work wise.

"Honestly I wish something would happen you know... I'm a little bored.." He sighed softly as he sits on a chair near by and sinks his face into the bed.
“Well, it’s better to be bored and safe, then to have havoc and those you care for in danger…” she remarked, putting her bookmark in her book before closing it. She set it aside and touched his head with her hand gently. “When I’m allowed to leave and cleared to go back to my normal duties..perhaps we can get out of the city and help the scientists with this cure,” she murmured out, thinking about all of the possibilities and help they would probably want.
She gave a soft scoff and shook her head, “What, training the newbies not fun enough?” She teased. “It’s only been two days,” she reminded with a slight smirk. She then rubbed her neck, feeling achy again. She rolled it around and sighed softly. “They just gave me another blocker,” she tells him, closing her eyes.
“Mostly.. I ache,” she tells him next, opening her eyes to look at him. She gave a rub of her forearm, “Sometimes it feels as if my whole body is on fire,” Zaria mentioned and shook her head. “ think I could get some of your venom?” She asked, wondering if after that she would be fine.
She watched him lean close, and she was leaning close to him as well. She felt him softly grip her shirt collar before pulling it down, and kissing the area. As she felt his bite, she let out a soft moan— even though she didn’t mean to. His venom being injected into her body offered her instant relief, and she held onto his arm with her hand, gripping a bit.
She couldn’t contain her laugh, “Knight in shining armor..?” She echoed and shook her head, “Mm..if you say so,” she teased him lightly, but her hand reached out and tugged on his shirt. “If that’s the case, then..I want you to come over here and warm me up further,” she tells him, still feeling chilled.

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